HOURS and HOURS on Photoshop! – Postcard Advertisement #6

Now that we have a rough idea of how we want the design to look like, we decided to start using Adobe Photoshop to make the actual postcard advertisement! I had actually used Photoshop before, for my Media coursework in IGCSE, so I had some previous experience with Photoshop but I hadn’t used in a while and wow! I forgot the shortcuts and where the tools are, so I had to spend a lot more time on it to remember how to use the tools again and learning the shortcuts again.

Which meant that I took a lot longer to actually do it than I had hoped, my partner isn’t very familiar with Photoshop either so we were both just trying to learn how to use it! After a while, I got a hang of the program and it started to go more smoothly and faster – thank goodness – and I’m quite happy with it!

I used this site to help me figure out the measurements and how to get started on Photoshop, as I have never created a postcard advertisement before, I needed to know the sizes and where to start!

Nevermind, NEW AND IMPROVED IDEA! – Postcard Advertisement #4

We have  another, BETTER idea now! We decided to make it look a bit more interesting and more eye catching. We thought it’ll look better if it wasn’t so plain and still, that if looked like there was more movement, it’ll look nicer and more interesting! On top of that, we realized there wasn’t enough space to add information there, and that is an important factor for a postcard advertisement.

My partner suggested that we add more movement to the design of the postcard to make it more interesting and eye-catching. And so she did some doodles of some designs of how the postcard front could look like:

There’s an idea! – Postcard Advertisement #3

So, we have been thinking about what we can do for the postcard advertisement and we have some ideas on what we may put on it! We are going to have the cards that will be used in the movie (which can be found here), and enlarge it, and make that the front of the postcard. At the back we advertise the movie maybe by asking potential viewers to fill out information and send it back to us, then we can put it in a raffle for a chance to win two free tickets for the movie at the premier. This way we can get information about our potential viewers and advertise the film!

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Where do I even start? – Postcard Advertisement #1

Cinecards are great. Aren’t they? Well..I don’t know. I haven’t ever gotten one. Maybe its not common in Dubai or in Croatia. Hm. Either way, they seem pretty cool. So I did some research about them and started to see how they look like. Zazzle sells them actually and it seems like a good place to have a look at how they look like!

cinecards 1

 So they look like mini posters in the shape of a postcard. I think I may need to do a bit more research for it.



